Saturday, May 23, 2009

A few questions to the abstract comics community

has an essay about the history of abstract comics been written? Has anyone written anything about abstract comics I thought the excerpt from the interview about Gary Panter's 'Zomoid” was fascinating and am keen to read more of this kind of work. Does the anthology contain any essays?
Also, seeing the diversity of abstract comics has been really inspiring!


  1. Hey David--

    yes, the anthology has an intro where I try to discuss the history of abstract comics up to around 1967--the date of the first piece in the book. Beyond that, the anthology is pretty representative of what has been done since, and dates for pieces that are not very recent and/or done specifically for the anthology appear in the artist bios.

  2. Cool, I will look forward to reading it in the anthology.
    I re-read your post on abstract comics theory called Asdrrgfiggeeep with great interest.

    I certainly want to see more.


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