Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rekjavik Youtube-movie

A small movie, taking you through my new book, Reykjavik, published by Danish publisher Fahrenheit today. Andrei's Nautilus is also out from the same publisher today.


  1. please add some sound to the video! something by Biosphere, perhaps, or the sounds of waves & wind.

    Fahrenheit's site is www.forlaget-fahrenheit.dk/ (Dansk).

    your book has the flavour of Norse sagas, & Nature. I see sea-water & rock-faces on some of the pages.

    will you be sending a copy to the Alfaskolinn (Icelandic Elf School)?

  2. for some reason, I'm also reminded of Max Ernst's graphic books Une semaine de bontĂ© & La femme 100 tĂȘtes.

  3. Hey Henrik--

    would it be ok to just embed the video here? I can do it for you if that's cool.

  4. i agree some sound would flip the switches most blisteringly.

    i am late to respond to this because i am usually on my main p.c., which is a major glitch-bucket & unable to view video, now that i've seen it i must say shit goddamn!

    massive jam!

    crazy inna way of brainmaze grazing my gaze sideways so soft yet firm & familiar, like when the tendrils came cruising it is like haptic eyeballs being touched so tactile within its own cellular structure indeepth to the teeth & chewing greyroom foods so entryway, like yeah man, this here Icelandic core probe duggit quite deep to the little island inside my skull & i applaud abstract comics like this that actually are performative in the nature of a showing, of an actualization, not just representation, but a fucking actualization man!

    you should be very proud of this work.

    & if anyone thinks i'm over-gushing, i gotta say effyoo 'cause this shit trips my trigger like captain caveman drinkin' ethnogenic reindeer piss & dreamin' inna language i ain't never known but a language that knows me, ifya know what i mean.

    eyesum saga

    this is sequential visual poetry in the sense that the viewer is engaged inna textural fiction/friction which heats the head to a space beyond time, this video seems much longer than 1:15.


  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTGdGgQtZic&fmt=18


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