With the last numeros of his fanzine
Reconstitutions, the french comics author Lucas Taïeb goes to abstract comics.
Reconstitutions, L. Taïeb iterates the same event, panel by panel ; but atoms, which form this one, seem unstable from a panel to a other : the event recompose itself. Like if atoms was subjected in invisible strengths, a sort of clinamen.
You can see more
Reconstitutions or can buy numeros on the Lucas Taïeb' s blog :
ps : the last "planche" posted here looks like krazy kat by Henry Moore…
Lucas Taïeb, Reconstitutions n°3, planche 2 |
Lucas Taïeb, Reconstitutions n° 3, planche 5 |
Lucas Taïeb, Reconstitutions n°4, planche 2 |
Lucas Taïeb, Reconstitutions n°4, planche 5 |
edit : oups, it's reconstitutions and not reconstruction… (Merci à Lucas Taïeb de me l'avoir signalé).
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