Friday, February 8, 2019


Here, in the poorest of snapshots, are some spreads (mostly in progress) from a work in progress.


  1. These are brilliant -- I really like how they mix in your various styles, and where you drag that panel across the spread is really effective.

  2. Thank you! Now imagine about 160 or 180 pages of tnis. Or thereabouts. I'm drawing this in a sketchbook, and I'm not going to count the pages until it's finished.

  3. And hey! A comment! It's been a long time since this old blog has seen one... [sob!]

  4. Looks great! I am happy to see posts and comments too!

  5. I like the top spread the best. It makes me think of goings-on near the surface of the Sun. It's also the densest, most in-your-face. Lots of life in the others. I'll try & post, if it will let me.

  6. These are great! You should make a book of them.

  7. Would love to see the whole thing when done!

  8. Thank you. It is done, as of precisely three weeks ago. 200 page abstract graphic novel. What with the pandemic and the world economy going down a black hole and everything, though, I think I'll wait a bit before trying to get it published.


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