voici un croquis de Mœbius (Jean Giraud), de Chaos (édition anglais, Epic, 1991). je pense qu'il est un unique, pas une partie d'une série.
francophones, connectez svp les accomplissements des bdeurs abstraits avec ce blogue !
Only The Cinema’s Best Comics of the Decade
This is very good. Totally visual. I've always enjoyed Moebius since his Heavy Metal stuff back in the 80's.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I really like this one.
beautiful. Moebius is amazing, as usual.
ReplyDeleteActually, there are a couple more abstract comics like this in Chaos. For the record, I wanted one of them--a color four-pager--for the anthology, but Fantagraphics could never reach an agreement with Mr. Giraud's representatives as to the pay rate (actually, they were not even in the same ballpark, or the same continent.) I then wanted to at least use one page from it, reproduced small, under fair use in the introduction, but Fanta suggested that, after the failed negotiations, that was not a good idea either.
ReplyDeleteI want to stress this because the lack of something by Moebius was something for which Jessie B., implicitly in that infamous du9 review, and Seb Conard explicitly, took me to task. Believe me, I tried really hard to get him in there.
Thanks, Tim, for issuing again the invitation to Francophone abstract comics artists to participate. We of course have Benoit Joly and Ibn al Rabin here, as well as Bruno Schab (though I haven't seen him around in a long time); but I of course would like to see more cooperation. I'm afraid that Jessie B.'s dyspeptic review--the only French-language review we have received, as far as I know--rather set back relations between the Anglophone and Francophone communities on this matter. Again, for the record: I offered at the time to discuss this situation in an interview with du9. I'm still waiting to hear back from them.
Schaub, not Schab, of course. Sorry for the misspelling.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting, this piece.
ReplyDeleteI hate it when a review is more about what isn't there than what is, as if those involved in putting the anthology together weren't constrained by a variety of concerns. On a brighter note, if important people weren't represented in that anthology, that means there is room and even mandate for another -- either a volume II or a "competing" anthology. Either would be good.
Well, I suppose some "competing anthology" could get Moebius--if it was funded by the Dia foundation, perhaps... Other than that, I have a hard time imagining it.