Sunday, November 6, 2011

Abstrakt Comix by James Mahan

So, it turns out that we have a precursor to our title! James Mahan published a zine called "Abstrakt Comix: The Journal of Non-Linear Sequential Graphix" back in 1998-99. These are the only images I have from it:

Recently, James has returned to making abstract comics. Here are some pieces of his from the last year:

James does not have a website, but if you want to see more of his work you can try to friend him on Facebook.


  1. Thanks for posting this! It looks great and I've had a great response. Friend me on FB: James Mahan of Foxborough, Mass. My email is

  2. Nice job Andre! I like your choice of images. I can be friended on FB: James Mahan of Foxborough, Massachusetts. My email:

  3. You're welcome! Glad to hear about the response.


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