Friday, December 11, 2009

Anthology Slideshow by Fanta

I had never seen this before!


  1. I think they just put it up the other day (at least, I gathered as much from Twitter).

  2. I want to know who the hand model is!

  3. Meh. The hands are okay, but my attention is on the book. ;-)

    Actually, this is sort of the way I enjoy the book. I dutifully "read" it cover to cover when I bought it, but it still sits next to my computer at home. I often pick it up and randomly open it to a page to contemplate. And in doing so, I swear I find pieces I don't remember being in there. That even happened during this videoed thumb-through.

  4. That's me! (I even had "Hand Model" put on my Fanta business card. It's true!) And yes, I just put that up that recently -- I had fallen a little behind with my preview uploads.

  5. mike, we saw the video and loved your hands. would you be interested in joining the hand modelling agency 'sad hand models'?

    please visit our site to 'get a feel' of 'what we do'

  6. damn that link doesn't work. think anon meant


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