Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Metabolism of Rugs


  1. I am intrigued, to say the least, and intend to bookmark this site for intensive return visitas...

  2. I love this piece: the way the organic, messy forms spill over the scientific text. rationality/irrationality? animal/mineral? seeing it in book format is wonderful; it becomes close to an animation.

  3. Wow. This is amazing work. It's so layered. And it "redeems" the altered book for me, which has become a practice I'm usually not drawn to.

  4. Very lovely.

    Makes me wonder about the intersection of abstract comics and artist books...

    It also makes me want to go home and make a book.

  5. thanks, everyone, for your appreciations.

  6. You're always moving beyond the limits of how artist's/comic/books
    are defined. Ignoring the limiting xeroxvsletterpressvsdigital controversies about proper form and thinking about creating work that surprises. I find that inspiring.

  7. i am laughing!! it is so wonderfully silly.

  8. I think your intro is brilliant. I like the fact that the shapes are themselves metabolizing - destroying the print then corralling it - your cupboard will never be empty Ms. R.


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