Saturday, August 8, 2009

In Color!

I've posted all my color abstract comics seen so far on this blog in the color galleries on my website.

To view them, click on the color shapes that look like this:

or one of these links:

[The Green Gallery]-[The Blue Gallery]-[The Purple Gallery]

[The Red Gallery]-[The Orange Gallery]-[The Yellow Gallery]

...then you can click on the shapes at the bottom of each page.

(I'll be making a gallery of all the black and white ones soon.)

P.S. I got my comp. copies today! Thanks Fantagraphics! and Andrei too of course!

and everyone who contributed! and everyone who buys it!

1 comment:

  1. Mike, there's something joyful in your colour abstracts.

    the first one in the green gallery makes me think of children's pyjamas. & maybe it's the color scheme, but the second one makes me think of very quirky Christmas wrapping paper.

    the bottom one at the purple gallery makes me think of dyed or embroidered fabric.

    the bottom one at the orange gallery, the black & white squiggly combinations, is closest to what I sometimes do, almost like writing.


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